The effectiveness of the use of special autonomy funds in improving the achievement of education indicators

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

The effectiveness of the use of special autonomy funds in improving the achievement of education indicators

Metuzalak Awom, Rully Novie Wurarah and Muhammad Guzali Tafalas


This study examines how well Special Autonomy Funds (otsus) boost education in Manokwari Regency from 2020 to 2022. The research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with inductive methods. It looks at otsus money for education and school enrollment rates at primary junior high, and high school levels. In 2020, Manokwari's otsus education fund was Rp 290,000,000. It dropped to Rp 250,000,000 in 2021 but jumped to Rp 334,868,208 in 2022. The analysis shows primary schools saw more kids enroll. The net enrollment rate rose from 91.29% in 2021 to 92.44% in 2022. The gross rate climbed from 102.33% to 105.24%. This suggests that money helped more kids go to primary school. But junior high and high schools saw fewer students. Junior high net enrollment fell from 70.56% in 2021 to 69.02% in 2022. The gross rate dropped from 108.69% to 104%. High school net enrollment dipped from 62.75% in 2021 to 62.70% in 2022. The gross rate took a big hit falling from 100.25% to 93.57%. The average school duration saw a tiny uptick from 11.56 years in 2020 to 11.59 years in 2022. This falls way short of UNDP's ideal 15-year standard. This study concludes that special autonomy funds for education in Manokwari Regency haven't boosted overall education indicators. The study suggests more cash for school buildings, teacher training programs, scholarships, and community awareness campaigns to increase effectiveness. Regular check-ups and reviews need to happen to make sure the money's spent right and does its job.

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