Exploring the impacts of covid-19 on management ethics and csr in lebanese higher education

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Exploring the impacts of covid-19 on management ethics and csr in lebanese higher education

Dr. Manale Khoury and Saher Hassan El-Annan


This research delves into how Community Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts universities amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, driven by their influence, on the job market. The study explores how the pandemic has affected CSR practices through methods such as surveys and in-depth interviews. The results reveal a discovery; students actively engage in responsible initiatives and acknowledge their importance, yet they lack a complete grasp of CSR as a formal concept. The pandemic has intensified this involvement with students participating in health-related activities and volunteer work to combat isolation. However financial constraints hinder colleges from expanding their CSR efforts highlighting the necessity for government aid. Improved communication with stakeholders. Consequently, this study emphasizes the role of CSR in fostering behaviours and connections within education institutions during crises advocating for a holistic approach, to its implementation.

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