Field Appraisal Frameworks for Agricultural Projects

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Field Appraisal Frameworks for Agricultural Projects

Bahman, A.M. and Manar M. Mansour


This article aims to highlight the main frameworks during field appraisal of agricultural projects which the Kuwait Fund contributes to financing, according to practical experiences over many years. It is necessary to know the basics of such appraisal, which is considered the most important element and information that must be obtained, extract advice and lessons learned. There are many criteria that can be considered during appraisals, including social, economic, financial, technical, legal and environmental issues. As stated in the administrative procedures manual for managing the Fund’s operations and disbursement (1), The field appraisal is carried out after the technical and economic feasibility studies are available and include the basic information and data needed by the appraisal team, and can be completed during the appraisal period. The appraisal contributes to making decisions in determining priorities for distributing financial allocations to the various elements and components of the project. The teamwork among the members is the compass for the success of any field appraisal.

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