Conforto térmico urbano em uma área de ocupação em santarém-pa, Amazônia, Brasil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Conforto térmico urbano em uma área de ocupação em santarém-pa, Amazônia, Brasil

Rilziele Pimentel Pereira, Fausta Jeandra Vasconcelos Tavares, Khayth M. Nagata, Elton Raniere Moura and Leidiane Leão de Oliveira


The objective of this study was to analyze the urban thermal comfort outdoors, along a transect, in the Vista Alegre do Juá human occupation, in Santarém-PA. The thermal sensation was influenced by the wind and ranged from 37 to 46°C (extremely uncomfortable). It was possible to identify spatial and temporal variation of the thermal comfort in the study area, what may provide guidance for future projects to build green spaces within the occupation and highlight the importance of keeping up the permanent protection area of the lake and beach, which were suppressed due the occupation process.

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