Gamified learning platform for health education: Usability evaluation study

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Gamified learning platform for health education: Usability evaluation study

Copyright©2023, ARAÚJO, Márcia Andrea da Gama et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The research sought to evaluate the usability of a gamified learning platform built to mediate the teaching process of students with expert judges. Methodology: this is a methodological development research, descriptive with a quantitative approach, of an applied nature. The sample consisted of 8 people with 2 evaluation segments being judges from the technology area, coming or not from the research anchor higher education institution and expert judges from the teaching area. Data collection was online by signing the TCLE. The instrument was a questionnaire adapted to Nielsen's heuristics. The data were grouped and analyzed using statistical data analysis methods in order to obtain four types of metrics used in usability evaluation and in Nielsen's Heuristics, which are: effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction and severity. Results: The usability of the platform is 72.5%. Severity (25.0%) can be classified as low, Effectiveness is regular (67.6%) and Satisfaction is good (75.0%). As for Efficiency, it cannot be measured due to the covid19 pandemic. Considerations: In this way, it is important to highlight the use of digital platforms, to facilitate the reach of information.

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