Importância da vacinação em crianças menores de 5 anos - revisão bibliográfica

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Importância da vacinação em crianças menores de 5 anos - revisão bibliográfica

Brenna Maria de Souza Costa, Maria Janete Torres, Cynthia de Oliveira Vaz, Eveline Lima Maia, Fernanda Costa de Mesquita Souza, Herismércia Helena Fidelis Uchoa, Agueda Menezes da Silva, Ana Paula Mendonça Lima Fernandes, Vanessa Ximenes Farias, Ligia Bayma Torres Araújo, Carolina Azevedo da Graça Lira, Eriza de Oliveira Parente, Karine Costa e Silva Leite, Teresa Cristina Ponte Barrocas Freire, Danielle Neiva Santos de Aquino


This study explores the relationship of school dropout with poverty, having as interface the family with students in the modality of Youth and Adult Education (YAE). To this end, the context and influence of the family as a generational link of poverty is a premise for the issue of school dropout, age/grade distortion, and absenteeism. Indeed, many young people and adults who are unable to complete their studies build families and throughout their lives the generational poverty system is likely to be permeated by lack of educational qualification.

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