Nildes alencar Lima: to be a professor in times of military regim

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Nildes alencar Lima: to be a professor in times of military regim

Almir Mariano da Silva1, José Gerardo Vasconcelos, Antônio Roberto Xavier, Fátima Maria Leitão Araújo, Rosalina Semedo de Andrade Tavares, Emanoel Luís Roque Soares, Danielle Rodrigues de Oliveira, Camila Saraiva de Matos, Patrícia Lima Freire, Glauber Robson Oliveira Lima, Olienaide Ribeiro de Oliveira Pinto and Juan Carlos Alvarado Alcócer


This work aims to understand the educator profession at the time of the Brazilian Military Regime (1964-1985) through the memories of Nildes Lima Alencar. The work intends too to analyze the lived professor experiences through his professor condition, understanding her conceptions about education and educational practice, and unveiling the political interferences in the teaching practice of that educator. For this purpose, the lecture given by Professor Nildes at Ceara State University on September 9, 2016, was used as research main source.The self biography was used as the collect data method and was crossed with studies on education in the dictatorial period with the professor's narrative. It was noticed that the article´s protagonist lived in a peculiar way the period, implementing an educational model against the educational model imposed by the Military Regime.

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