Morphometric analysis of posterior cranial fossa and supratentorial cranial cavity in Sudanese: A computerized tomography study

International Journal of Development Research

Morphometric analysis of posterior cranial fossa and supratentorial cranial cavity in Sudanese: A computerized tomography study


Characterization of the posterior cranial fossa (PCF) and supratentorial cranial cavity (SCC) plays an important role in the diagnosis of many disorders. Quantitative assessment of any morphological changes requires normative data for these anatomical areas. This study was obtained in order to achieve local reference morphometric analysis data for Sudanese (PCF) and (SCC). This is a descriptive study of 200 consecutive normal computerized tomography (CT) scans of (PCF) and (SCC) without any bony abnormality. All of the patients were Sudanese and Khartoum residents, of North Sudan origin, 97 were males and 103 were females. The sample mean age was 49.76±17.2 years old, ranged between (20-80) years old. The (PCF) and (SCC) height, anteroposterior, and transverse dimensions were calculated in advanced work station of (CT) scan. The data were analyzed as mean and standard deviation according to age and gender. Results showed that the males have larger measurements than females; these differences were statistically significant for all variables except (SCC) height. There was no difference in dimensions of the (SCC) in various age groups, but significant differences were detected in transverse dimension and height of the (PCF). The measurements of Sudanese were greater than other populations in the literature .Normal values of (PCF) and (SCC) dimensions could serve as a normative local reference for Sudanese. More studies are needed as there could be variations in dimensions in different regions in Sudan.

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