Metas de socialização materna para crianças de 6 a 11 anos em dois contextos (urbano e peri-urbano) em moçambique

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Metas de socialização materna para crianças de 6 a 11 anos em dois contextos (urbano e peri-urbano) em moçambique

Cremildo Carlos Jorge, Ana Maria Xavier Faraco and Mauro Luís Vieira


Objective: To analyze maternal socialization goals for children in two urban contexts in Mozambique. Methods: Six mothers participated in the study, three from the urban context and three from the peri-urban context, who answered a semi-structured interview script with 12 questions, adapted from one question: “What does the mother expect of her child in the future?". Results: Through descriptive and qualitative analysis (content), it was found that for the urban context, there is a trend towards socialization goals aimed at independence, autonomy and gender equality. On the other hand, in the peri-urban context, there was a tendency towards socialization goals aimed at interdependence and strengthening of family and interpersonal bonds. In both contexts (urban and peri-urban), mothers emphasize social expectations. Conclusion: It has been concluded that maternal socialization goals, in the present study, are related to the context (physical, social and cultural environment) in which they are inserted.

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