Mechanism of waste management in schools and its effect on student participation in education

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Mechanism of waste management in schools and its effect on student participation in education

Wambeye K.M, Wasike, D.W. and Obino, P.O


Waste management is pausing challenges to the environment especially in schools world over. In schools, water, sanitation and hygiene do not reflect national policies aspirations and are not adequate to student’s needs and hence affecting their health, well-being, performance and participation at school. An investigation intothe mechanism of waste management in schools and its effect on student participation in education in Bungoma County, Kenya was done using a cross-sectional survey design approach.A sample of sixty five (65) boarding schools was chosen to take part whilestratified sampling was employed in choosing the boarding Schools from the targeted population of 289 secondary schools. Questionnaires, interview schedules, document analysis and focus groups to gather data.Standard multiple linear regressions at α= .05 was used to examine waste disposal to see if it could predict participation in education in school. The model was not able to significantly predict the effect of waste management in schools on participation in education. It was concluded that engagement of school related groups need to encourage students to make waste reduction a part of their everyday life while increasing the flow of reusable and recyclable materials can even generate extra funds for school departments and groups.

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