Managing organizational health and safety in basic education institutions: A study of selected institutions in Adaklu District in the Volta Region, Ghana

International Journal of Development Research

Managing organizational health and safety in basic education institutions: A study of selected institutions in Adaklu District in the Volta Region, Ghana


The objective of this study is to identify health and safety management measures that are put in place in Basic Education Institutions in Adaklu District in Ghana. The ultimate goal of this study is to help parents and rural communities to identify healthy means of caring for children in basic schools. Again the study is meant to expose parents and operators of early childhood educational institutions to health and safety needs of children. Field visits were made to the selected schools for first hand data with evidence based data collected in the form of pictures. Questionnaires were distributed purposively to selected respondents including teachers and institutional managers for their opinions on the key issues related to the topic. The study revealed that most basic schools in the research area lack adequate classroom facilities, toilets, and hygienic drinking water. Suggestions and recommendations on good health and safety practices in these sensitive institutions are proffered in this paper.

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