La zone du triangle du feu de Brousse: Entre Changements de vocation de terre et Vulnérabilités Pastorales dans les Départements de Bermo, Abalak et Aderbissinat (Niger)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

La zone du triangle du feu de Brousse: Entre Changements de vocation de terre et Vulnérabilités Pastorales dans les Départements de Bermo, Abalak et Aderbissinat (Niger)

ABDOU Oumarou, MAMAN Issoufou, IBRAHIM Habibou and YAMBA Boubacar


The bushfire triangle corresponds to the part of the pastoral zone made up of the departments of Bermo, Abalak and Aderbissinat. The band concerned has the status of pastoral zone in accordance with Law No. 61-05 of May 26, 1961 setting the northern limit of cultivation. By this status, this strategic space for pastoral breeding ensures several functions, namely: Zone of refuge for livestock in North-South transhumance, a transit zone for the movement of breeders towards the Cure Salée in Ingal, a land of nomadism for pastoral systems such as that of the valleys and base area for most pastoralists passing through or not. Today, new phenomena and new practices are being observed due to climate change, migratory flows resulting from the socio-political and security crisis in Libya and demographic pressure. It results from this evolution of breeding practices, the emergence of other processes and phenomena such as the rise of the agricultural front, the modernization of transport and means of communication and the installation of structuring infrastructures in the fire triangle zone bush. The research methodology was based on a mixed approach combining the use of secondary and primary data. These data were processed and analyzed to be used to characterize the phenomena and practices observed. The main results obtained show the profound changes induced in the bushfire triangle zone, the changes in land use and the vulnerability factors which affect the pastoral systems of the study area.

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