Integrative And Complementary Practices: A Care Tool In The Context Of Primary Health Care

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Integrative And Complementary Practices: A Care Tool In The Context Of Primary Health Care

Tamires Jesus Sousa, Daniela Fagundes de Oliveira, Amanda Cibele Gaspar dos Santos, Rose Ana Rios David, Marcia Gomes Silva, Tânia Christiane Ferreira Bispo, Tânia Maria de Oliveira Moreira, Fernanda Matheus Estrela, Andrey Ferreira da Silva, Keila Cristina Costa Barros, Deliane Souza Santos and Terezinha Andrade Almeida


Justification. Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICs) have the purpose of preventing and treating diseases through natural mechanisms that promote health through treatments based on traditional knowledge and effective technologies. Objective. Verify if the Integrative and Complementary Practices are tools of care in Primary Health Care. Methodology. Integrative review of national literature. The data collection was performed in the indexable database LILACS (Latin American Health Science Literature Database) and SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), with descriptors: Integrative and Complementary Practices, Health Professionals, Primary Health Care. Results. After the analysis of the selected articles, 08 articles composed the sample. Conclusion. The use of Integrative and Complementary Practices is a resource of care in basic attention contributing to the promotion of a better quality of life.

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