The influence of new technologies on the teaching of business education courses in tertiary institutions in bayelsa state

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

The influence of new technologies on the teaching of business education courses in tertiary institutions in bayelsa state

IGBONGIDI, Binaebi Paul


The study looks into how new technologies are affecting how business education courses are taught in Bayelsa state's tertiary institutions. The study's execution was directed by two research questions and one hypothesis. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Two academic schools in Bayelsa state recruited a total of 37 business education instructors. Data were gathered using a questionnaire having a Cronbach reliability of 0.70. Percentages The research questions were analysed using the mean score. According to the results of the data collection and analysis, instructors have access to new technology for teaching business education courses. It was determined that teaching business education courses are positively impacted by modern technology. It was suggested, among other things, that institutional managers should encourage business education instructors to learn new technology by sponsorship.

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