Industrial crops fertilization process implemented in the android system

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Industrial crops fertilization process implemented in the android system


Fertilization is the agricultural practice that consists of adding to the soil a quantity of nutrients to balance the values between what the plant requires and what the soil can offer. Quantifying the nutrients in the soil is fundamental for the efficient and economic use of fertilizer. Farmers generally perform fertilization without prior analysis of the soil, and when they do, the results are not always correctly interpreted to quantify the use of fertilizers that should be applied to the soil. The automation of processes becomes indispensable, especially when several variables need to be evaluated and monitored, as in the case of soil fertilization. Mobile application development has advanced in recent years in the field of automation agriculture as it offers efficiency, portability and flexibility. This paper presents the development of a tool that helps to improve fertilizer recommendation for the industrial crops studied: Mandioca, Pimenta do Reino and Dendezeiro, based on scientifically validated Mathematical-Computational Models. The tool was developed, using the MIT App Inventor framework, the results obtained are considered satisfactory for fertilizer recommendation in different types of scenarios, and for mapping with excellent precision and accuracy the density of phosphorus in the soil.

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