Implementation of java module for print server application
International Journal of Development Research
Implementation of java module for print server application
Received 04th June, 2017; Received in revised form 07th July, 2017; Accepted 20th August, 2017; Published online 29th September, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Shwetha et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In modern era a print server is a device that connects printers to client computers over a network. Print server supports a variety of industry standard or proprietary printing protocols including Internet printing protocol, line printer daemon protocol, Netware, NetBIOS/NetBEUI or Jet Direct. When the clients are in network and the printer does not support the network connection then we use the Print Server software where all the clients are connected to a single server and the server is connected to the printer. Print server is to build upon the windows application. The most executable JAVA viz Client screen JAVA and Server JAVA has been implemented to accomplish the printing task from various computers without any interruption.