Icu transition on physical parameters

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Icu transition on physical parameters

Mrs. Suchana Roy Bhowmik, Dr. Prabha Dasila, Dr. Alaka Deshpande and Dr. Tapati Bhatta Charjee


Aim of the study: Is to assess the physical health after discharge from ICU Background: Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are specialized units for providing care to critically ill patients. Majority of patients admitted to the ICU require emergent medical attention for keeping the vital functions supported with lifesaving interventions. Once patients recovered from acute phase, they are transferred from ICUs to general wards. During stay in intensive care unit, the patient is vulnerable to several issues affecting the physical and psychological health like altered sleep patterns, anxiety, depression, disorientation, mood changes and lapses of memory and concentration etc. Design: Descriptive study design Methods: Non probability purposive consecutive sampling technique was used. A total of 100 admitted patients participated in the study. Likert scale was used to assess the physical parameters for data collection. Result: The finding of the study revealed moderate degree of altered physical health issues in study group i.e. 70% sleep pattern, 82% eating pattern, 93% elimination pattern, and 81% of them with mobility pattern. Comparison among the aspects of physical parameters represented an average percentage score of altered sleep pattern, which was found to be maximum (70.24±8.07 %), and 7.33% more than the overall physical score percent (62.91±3.59 %). Friedmann test indicated the difference among various aspects of physical parameters. Overall physical changes was highly significant (p < 0.001), which indicates that there were remarkable changes in the physical parameters among patients discharged from intensive care units. The data illustrates that participants were having major problem with sleep pattern disturbance as compared to other aspects of health parameters. Conclusions: The finding illustrated that patients transferred from ICU to the wards are often need both physical and psychological care as they are highly dependent patients with multiple complex needs.

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