Human genome response or immune response: human genome & its discrimination of self from nonself


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
10 pages
Research Article

Human genome response or immune response: human genome & its discrimination of self from nonself

Feleke Eriso Orbalo


Genome is the only molecule capable of self-reproducing, self-replicating, or self-synthesizing in each & every species of all genomic-things from genomological viruses up to humans. It is only this molecule which synthesizes the whole body of every individual in each species of all genomic-things. In Homo sapiens, the whole body of each person among the current 7.8 billion people of the world is synthesized only by the human Genome using his/her nutritive substances as raw materials in his/her compatible environment. The key objective of this paper is to make known the fact that the 11 systems in a person’s body are the spectacular functional arms of the human Genome. Each of these functional systems is synthesized for its specific function by the coded & regulated information in the human Genome. In the body of a person, the Genome is the only self-synthesizing molecule and capable of synthesizing the rest of the body, i.e., the 11 systems of the person.

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