Health care to transgeneric population in a mental health nursing

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Health care to transgeneric population in a mental health nursing

Guilherme Silva de Mendonça, Joselene Beatriz Soares Silva, Pedro Guimarães Pereira, Iolanda Alves Braga, Luiz Almeida da Silva and Carla Denari Giuliani


Historically, the division based only on biological sex is old, this perception has changed over time and across cultures. The objective of this work is to report the experiences of logistics in the hospitalization of transgender and transvestite people in a mixed mental health ward of a large public hospital in the city of Uberlândia. This is a descriptive study, type of experience report, which describes the activities developed in the face of hospitalization of transgender and transvestite patients in a mixed psychiatric ward. In the hospitalization of transgender and transvestites the use of the social name puts them in direct opposition to the biological sex they were born and in the infirmary they would be allocated in rooms with people from that specific gender with shared use of bathrooms, causing discomfort for the specific public of the bathroom and transgender and transvestite (s).It is observed that these patients have great mental suffering in face of the heterosexual cultural pattern that labels sexual orientations and gender identities.

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