Globalization or cultural colonialism

International Journal of Development Research

Globalization or cultural colonialism


Colonialism can be traced long back in history. The lesser advanced civilization was subjugated for the benefit of the western civilization. In colonialism; apart from controlling the economy, the element of influencing the mass psyche, was always there and thus influenced the culture. The coming centuries saw  the changing  of the form of colonialism to new colonialism, imperialism, imperialism of free trade, new imperialism and now it has emerged in the form of Globalization .Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across national borders. Culture has been moving beyond borders and boundaries. The dominant powers used cultural globalization as a tool to control the economy, education, the eating habits also to some extent. Although colonialism is not prevalent in any part of the world now but the control of the developed countries over the rest of the world can still be seen in the form of cultural globalization.


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