Feelings experienced by mothers of a stillborn baby: reflections on social and family influences
International Journal of Development Research
Feelings experienced by mothers of a stillborn baby: reflections on social and family influences
Received 27th August, 2022; Received in revised form 19th September, 2022; Accepted 28th September, 2022; Published online 30th October, 2022
Copyright © 2022, Allan Bruno Alves de Sousa Santos. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Pregnancy and later childbirth are moments that present a range of events in a woman's life, promoting new experiences and feelings, as well as challenges, usually culminating in positive feelings and a state of happiness. However, negative feelings may arise as a result of unexpected and adverse events, which may determine the fetal life. Stillbirth causes unprecedented suffering, since the situation expresses feelings of frustration in all aspects of the parents, especially as a result of the pregnancy interruption. The study aims to reflect on the feelings experienced by these mothers and to transcend a reflection related to family and society participation in this mourning process. This is a study of the narrative literature review type, with a theoretical and reflective aspect, of qualitative approach and exploratory bias, it was carried out through data obtained from the BDENF, LILACS via Virtual Health Library, and SciELO portal, using the descriptors combined with the Boolean operator And "Emotions, Mothers, Fetus and Death". The following inclusion criteria were adopted for the studies in the research: articles published in scientific journals, books and book chapters, theses and dissertations in English, Spanish and Portuguese, related to the theme. Studies available in paid form were excluded. Fourteen studies were included. No temporal clippings were used. The results were organized into two categories: family benefits related to the experience of mothers of stillborn children and the influence of social aspects on the well-being of mothers of stillborn children. The family understanding of the maternal loss is characterized as a fundamental action in the improvement of the coexistence with this bereaved mother; poor family coexistence is related to the emergence of negative feelings and isolation behaviors. Mourning has a strong social role, because the bereaved person, in society's perception, must correspond to some pre-established criteria of social recognition. Society has a great relevance in the experiences of bereavement understanding. A good social relationship provides many benefits to these mothers, and the welcoming offered promotes happy moments, transmitting security and comfort to the mourners. Therefore, with the present study it was possible to report that there were several challenges faced by mothers of a stillborn child, being mainly the family and social influences the sovereign ones in the interference in the quality of life of these mothers. In this perception, there is an emerging need for more scientific research that seeks to understand the grieving process of mothers of stillborn children, seeking to raise awareness among health professionals and citizens about the importance of caring for these people.