Factors associated withthe incidence of scabies in patients insentru saude comunitario municipio dili 2022

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
11 pages
Research Article

Factors associated withthe incidence of scabies in patients insentru saude comunitario municipio dili 2022

Agostinho Soares


Factors Related to the Incidence of Scabies in Patients at Sentru Saude Comunitario Municipio Dili 2022. Scabies is a disease that is affected human skin. According to D. Juanda 2006, Scabies is an itchy disease of the skin caused by mites or small fleas called Sarcoptes scabiei hominis variants, characterized by complaints of itching, especially at night and young people are transmitted through direct or indirect contact. Direct contact occurs when there is contact with the skin of the sufferer for example shaking hands, sleeping together, and having sexual relations. For indirect contact through objects that have been used by sufferers such as clothes, towels, pillows, and others. Sksbies regarding all socioeconomic classes, women, and children experience a higher prevalence of scabies. In the season of the stop. Prevalence also tends to increase compared to summer. Factors related to the incidence of scabies in Sentru Saude Comunitaria Municipio Dili include low socioeconomic, poor hygiene, social relations with alternating partners, and demographic and ecological development. The main objective of this study was to find out the factors associated with the incidence of scabies in patients in the Sentru Saude Comunitaria Municipio Dili. The method used is observational analysis, with a cross-sectional (study cross-cutting). The results of the study show that the housing environmental sanitation variable lacked clean water and personal hygiene significantly affected the disease of scabies in patients in the Sentru Saude Comunitaria Municipio Dili. So scabies occurs because of poorly stuttered environmental sanitation, lack of clean water for daily necessities and not being awake (personal hygiene), and targets all socioeconomic classes of women and children.

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