Evaluation of weed seed bank in pasture in the municipality of lagoa do ouro - pe, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of weed seed bank in pasture in the municipality of lagoa do ouro - pe, Brazil

Marcelo Augusto da Silva Soares, Jorge Luiz Xavier de Lins Cunha, Gerlan do Nascimento Rodrigues, Antônio Barbosa da Silva Junior, Lucas Alceu Rodrigues de Lima, Emerson Xavier Lins Cunha, Ana Caroline de Almeida Moura, Ana Beatriz de Almeida Moura, Bruno Oliveira da Costa, Rafaela Lourenço dos Santos, Erisson Marques da Silva and José Gomes Filho


The objective of this work was to evaluate the weed seed bank in pasture area. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Alagoas, in 2018, with soil from Lagoa do Ouro, Pe. For seed bank evaluation, 20 soil samples were collected in pasture area. For seed bank determination, seedlings emerged from the trays, whose identification and counting were determined at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after the implementation of the experiment. The phytosociological indices analyzed were: the frequency with which species were germinating (F); plant density (D); abundance (A); relative frequency (FR); relative density (DR); relative abundance (AR); value of importance index (IVI); Relative importance value index (IVIR). Fourteen weed species with a density of 303 plants m-2 were verified, being Mollugoverticullata, the species with the highest density and importance value index, with 45.4 plants m-2 and 47.6%, respectively. The species with the highest frequencies were Acanthospermumhispidium DC, Portulacaoleraceae, Turneraulmifolia L. with 0.80% respectively for both.

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