Evaluation of pain in the elderly of the hyperdia group using an android application prototype

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of pain in the elderly of the hyperdia group using an android application prototype

Angélica Xavier da Silva, Hebe Janayna Duarte Beserra, Carmina Silva dos Santos, Sérgio Campello Oliveira and Ruben Felipe Gonçalves de Araújo


Pain is a sensory and personal experience, and when the symptomatology is chronic it brings a disorder of people's daily lives. The elderly population is the most affected by these events, needing a holistic look at this problem. The present work aims to evaluate the type of pain, its intensity, and which sites it most affects using an Android application prototype with elderly people attending a group of Hiperdia, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. It is a study that is characterized as methodological and technological prototype type. The analysis allowed to evaluate and know the type of pain and the places that most affect the elderly. Of these, 31 (26%) responded on the scale corresponding to Weak pain, 66 (56%) Moderate pain, and 21 (18%) Severe, and from their speeches the perception they have about the professionals have no knowledge about the evaluation of pain. It is in this scenario that the practice of the nurse professional is strengthened, not only basic knowledge and skills are sufficient, but also about the process not only physiological, being important communication in this process, emphasizing the use of technologies with the proposal to help the professionals on the evaluation and sites of pain being well received by users.

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