Ergonomic risk assessment in spine surgeons during live laminectomy procedure using rapid upper limb assessment tool

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Ergonomic risk assessment in spine surgeons during live laminectomy procedure using rapid upper limb assessment tool

Prabhleen Khurana, Hitesh Dawar and Megha Nijhawan


Background: While performing a Spine surgery, surgeon bends over the patient on the operative table and has to adapt uncomfortable postures and perform surgical manoeuvres for long duration of time. This unsuitable ergonomic environment results in multiple musculoskeletal complaints being experienced by the surgeon himself. Objective and Methods: As a part of integrated assessment, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) was adopted to investigate ergonomic risks in Spine surgeons during Laminectomy surgeries by doing postural analysis using Direct Observation technique inside the Operation room, and scored them based on posture adopted, and correlated same with musculoskeletal discomfort experienced, that was assessed using Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort questionnaire (CMDQ). Results: Positive correlation was found between grand RULA scores and CMDQ scores. No correlation was found between grand RULA scores with age of surgeon, number of surgeries in a day, or week, and hours in operation room. The Grand RULA scores for 37/40 spine surgeons was 7 indicating high ergonomic risks in large majority of the evaluated group. Conclusions: Prevalence of such high ergonomic risks in the evaluated Spine Surgeons underlines the need for further evaluation, corrective measures, and postural training in these surgeons. Application: This paper stresses upon that ergonomically correct environment and postures should be adapted by surgeons during the surgical procedures to prevent musculoskeletal discomfort and disorders. This opens up a huge area of research and implementation to the medical device industry as well as medical and surgical training facilities to enable a common goal - Care of the Caregiver.

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