Equality in the Brazilian health system: considerations in the light of peter singer’s principles

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Equality in the Brazilian health system: considerations in the light of peter singer’s principles

Janielle Ferreira de Brito Lima, Thaíse Almeida Guimarães, Helder Machado Passos, Santana de Maria Alves de Sousa, Lena Maria Barros Fonseca, Eremilta Silva Barros, Cleber Lopes Campelo and Andrea de Jesus Sá Costa Rocha


Equality, its conceptualization and applicability, still pervade some discussions. Australian philosopher Peter Singer discussed equality and its implications, grounding his perspective on the principle of equal consideration of interests. Based on the proposal presented by this author, the present article aims to reflect on the principle of equality according to Peter Singer and to consider an articulation with the principles of the Brazilian health system. The bases of the utilitarianism adopted by the author are presented through a literature review; then, we offer reflections upon the chapter on equality and its implications present in Peter Singer's work titled Practical Ethics; and, finally, the doctrinal principles of the Unified Health System were approached and an interface with the author's propositions about equality was proposed. The data presented here showed that there was an authentic relationship between Peter Singer’s principle of equal consideration of interests and the guiding principles of the Brazilian health system, especially the principle of equity. It is highlighted that these principles can minimize inequalities and social and health inequities, which is the reason why it is essential to effectively apply them.pp

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