Empreendedorismo feminino e sua interface com a violência doméstica

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Empreendedorismo feminino e sua interface com a violência doméstica

MENEZES, Iana Magalhães Moreira Teles de and SOUSA, Gleice Lacerda Queiroz


Objective: To investigate the relationship between the glass ceiling phenomenon of entrepreneurship and domestic violence, and to demonstrate how the vulnerability of the victim is related to this phenomenon. Methodology: observational study, with quantitative, qualitative and experimental approach; clipping of a larger umbrella project, called Women Victims of Domestic Violence - A Look at Rescuing Self-Esteem Through Aesthetic Procedures. Results: Despite the change in the perception of domestic violence over the years, women still suffer from the abusive cycle. Entrepreneurship is a possible motivating instrument to break the cycle of violence, with money being the most difficult to interpret. Knowledge of social entrepreneur incentive programs is of great importance to alleviate this impasse. Final considerations: Further investigation into the phenomenon related to domestic violence is needed, as no results were found due to low schooling.

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