Effect of plant products on incidence of Tukra on mulberry

International Journal of Development Research

Effect of plant products on incidence of Tukra on mulberry


Tukra is one of the major problem in mulberry growing areas and it is caused by pink mealy bug Maconellicoccus hirsutus which affect both the quality and yield of mulberry leaf. A preliminary attempt has been made to control tukra in mulberry using plant extracts of natural pesticide origin. The seed kernel and leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica, Pongamia pinnata, Madhuca longifolia and only leaf extracts of Lantana camara, Adathoda vasica were directly used as a foliar spray in the control of tukra in M-5 mulberry variety. Total of four sprays were given with an interval of 7 days. The experimental data on effect of medicinal plant extracts on tukra incidence after seven days of spray revealed non significant results. However, after second spray leaf area of 13.12 and 4.34 per cent free from tukra observed for Neem seed kernel extract @ 4% and Lantana leaf extract @ 10% and they are found more and less effective in reducing tukra incidence respectively. After third spray the maximum per cent area free from incidence recorded from Neem seed kernel extract @ 4% (24.04%) and least was recorded from Lantana leaf extract @ 10% (5.90%). After fourth spray per cent protection over pre treatment count was recorded maximum as 92.10 per cent with Neem seed kernel extract @ 4 per cent spray followed by Pongamia seed kernel extract @ 2 per cent (86.64%) and least reduction was observed with Lantana leaf extract @8% (29.91%) respectively. The finding revealed that, the seed kernel extracts exerted better experimental results than their corresponding leaf extracts.

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