Dous as adidactical strategy to endorse soft dextrities amongst clinical dental novices

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Dous as adidactical strategy to endorse soft dextrities amongst clinical dental novices

Dr. Jananei Rajendran, Dr. Selva Kumar, C., Dr. Prabu, D., Dr. Rajmoan Dr. Sunayana and Dr. Mydhili Mungara


Aim: The aim of the study is to assess the amelioration of soft dexterities among dental students by endorsing operator-assistant partnership in clinical dental practice. Materials and Methods: Soft dexterities are critical in periodic practice of clinical dentistry. Hence, it is fundamental to perceive exceptional dental education with legitimate progress if soft dexterities indoctrinated among students. This study is principally based on student’s response of working in operator-assistant pairs to revamp soft dexterities. Both positive and negative reverberations were collected. In this method of working in operator-assistant pairs among students not only revamps communication it also flourishes confederacy and hegemony amidst students. Results: The study also shows working in duos improved work efficiency and students also get exposed to manifold patients compared to working in and as single operator practice. Conclusion: The personal feeling of students working in pairs which is assumed that it would improve their clinical knowledge, practice and soft dexterities.

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