Determination of nutrition status of nectarines grown in lapsekia round by the soil and leaf analysis

International Journal of Development Research

Determination of nutrition status of nectarines grown in lapsekia round by the soil and leaf analysis


An orchard survey was conducted to assess the nutrient status of nectarines in Lapseki district in Turkey. For this study, leaf and soil samples were collected from 28 nectarine orchards and necessary information was obtained about yield and fertilization. Soil samples were taken once a year at two depths of 0-20 and 20-40 cm. In view of the findings based on soil analyses the results are summarized below:
The texture of the soils analyzed was generally loamy and clay loamy. The calcium carbonate content of the soils was generally low while some units had no calcium carbonate at all. Soil salinity was mostly mid-level. The soil reaction was generally neutral or slightly alkaline. Seventy-five percent of the organic matter in the top and sub-soils were at insufficient levels. Although there were some deficiencies of iron and zinc, all of the macro and micro nutrents were generally at sufficient levels in the soils. According to the leaf analyses, which vary according to year, there were nutritional disorders with N at 26.7%, K at 13.3-26.7 %, Fe at 6.7-66.7 %, Mn at 33.3-40.0 and Zn at 6.7 % at insufficient levelsin the nectarine orchards. There were no nutritional problems with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and boron during the two years.


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