Determination of blood parameters of breeding pigs in Côte D’Ivoire
International Journal of Development Research
Determination of blood parameters of breeding pigs in Côte D’Ivoire
Received 14th April, 2020; Received in revised form 28th May, 2020; Accepted 11th June, 2020; Published online 30th July, 2020
Copyright © 2020, TRA Bi Tra Constant et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The purpose of this work is to determine the serum parameters and the hemogram of pigs reared in Côte d'Ivoire. This study involved 70 pigs (Large white, Landrace, Duroc, Pietrain, hybrid, Korhogo pig breeds) made up of 35 castrated males and 35 gilts from 14 farms whose ages vary between 8 and 10 months with an average live weight of 89.1 ± 13.6 kg. These animals, coming mainly from farms in the South, were selected at random. The blood of these animals was collected from the jugular vein in tubes with anticoagulant and tubes without anticoagulant and then analyzed in the laboratory. The mean values of glucose and total cholesterols obtained during the work are higher than the reference values indicated in the Vade-Mecum du Vetenary book, 16th edition by Fontaine and Cadore (1996) and the mean value of total proteins is similar. to the reference value. The hemogram is similar to that indicated by Fontaine and Cadore (1996) in the book Vade-Mecum du Vetenary, 16th edition. This result confirms that the animals intended for stamping out, apparently healthy according to the ante-mortem examination, are indeed in good health and have a good nutritional status.