Data privacy preservation using data perturbation techniques

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Data privacy preservation using data perturbation techniques

Thanga Revathi, S. and Dr. Ramaraj, N.


Data mining is the extraction of valuable knowledge from large data. Nowadays Data mining is done on Dynamic data rather than the traditional static data. The Data Mining techniques used today consider one main issue, the privacy of the critical and sensitive Data. There are various techniques involved in the privacy preservation of critical data. Data Perturbation is an important method to preserve privacy of data. Data perturbation is the data security technique that modifies the database to preserve the privacy and confidentiality. It is used for both data privacy and accuracy. In this paper we are going to discuss about the various perturbation techniques that can be used to preserve data privacy and discuss about the implications of the techniques.

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