Cuidados paliativos de crianças e adolescentes: evidências da atuação de enfermagem
International Journal of Development Research
Cuidados paliativos de crianças e adolescentes: evidências da atuação de enfermagem
Received 19th May, 2019; Received in revised form 24th June, 2019; Accepted 22nd July, 2019; Published online 30th August, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Nasiba Abdullaeva. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients who have serious diseases that put their lives at risk. In the pediatric setting, this modality is considered recent and, due to this, the roles of health professionals of the multiprofessional team are still not well established, especially the Nursing one. The objective of the study is to identify in the international literature the evidences on the interference in Nursing care to children and adolescents who are in palliative care. It is an integrative literature review where a search of publications in the electronic databases Scopus and PubMed was carried out, resulting in 2,098 studies, where 15 answered the guiding question. After analyzing the studies, deficiencies in communication skills, palliative care education, lack of human and technical resources in institutions, and in the emotional and ethical aspects inherent to professionals were perceived. This makes it difficult to perform specific care and precarizes the holistic care that is provided to the client. The shortage of publications on the subject has been perceived and the need for more studies that explicitly address the research question is reinforced.