The Covid-19 pandemic and the questioning of the principle of the human development index « HDI »


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

The Covid-19 pandemic and the questioning of the principle of the human development index « HDI »

Mourad FAIZ


In addition to its harmful and deadly effects, the covid19 pandemic in the world has undoubtedly influenced almost all economic and social activities. Thus, forecasts have revised downward the growth rates of economies at the global level. In addition, this pandemic situation has pushed scientific research towards different directions in order to find solutions to the new questions brought about by this pandemic. In this context, and through this article, we have questioned the principle of calculating the human development index (HDI) while introducing new evaluation criteria deemed effective and consistent with pandemic situations to measure sub- dimensional development indicators relating to health, education and income. We have therefore judged that the environmental dimension is essential to measure the evolution of the HDI, which allows us to present a new formula for calculating the HDI.

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