Convergence of communication mix models and land expropriation: lessons from Nigeria
International Journal of Development Research
Convergence of communication mix models and land expropriation: lessons from Nigeria
Received 27th August, 2020; Received in revised form 20th September, 2020; Accepted 13th October, 2020; Published online 30th November, 2020
Copyright © 2020, Nkiruka Evangeline Obi-Aso. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
With the number of unrests, social disorder and litigations that follow land expropriation in the global south, the compendium of land administration, marketing and real estate fields lacks a vivid operationalization of the extent to which communication mix models are integrated in land expropriation practices globally. The study therefore analyzes the convergence of the variables from a Nigerian perspective with a view to extricate pertinent lessons on the communications mix-land expropriation nexus. This is based on a survey of expropriation officers in Ministries of Land across South East Nigeria. Due to the Covid-19-ocassioned lockdowns, the study employed structured mailed-in questionnaire for the pilot survey and core investigation. Data was analyzed with Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient due to the nonparametric anatomy of the data. The use of correlation analysis was to determine the extent to which proxies of communication mix correlated with land expropriation exercises in South East Nigeria. The findings show that the extent to which public relations is utilized by land expropriation officers was low (r=.197; p<.05), and to a large extent, personal selling was utilized by land expropriation officers in Nigeria (r=.877; p<.05). The study concludes that land expropriation in Nigeria had a partial integration of communication mix models, with a dominant focus on personal selling. Effective integration of communication mix models in land expropriation processes will significantly mitigate risks of land conflict and injurious affection, and this is advocated by the study.