Congruence, personality and homophily/heterophily interactions

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Congruence, personality and homophily/heterophily interactions

Jonatan Santana Batista, Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim, Elaine Rabelo Neiva and Evandro Minuce Mazo


Objective: The purpose of the study was to verify if personality characteristics and congruence are associated with homophily and heterophily in two intraorganizational networks: Support Network and Team Selection Network. Method: a survey-type cross-sectional study in which 61 professionals belonging to a single organization of the third sector with a focus on industry participated. The participants responded to three instruments: an inventory of professional interests and occupational demands, for estimation of congruence, personality measure, and two sociometric questions. Results: Congruence was not shown to be related to homophily or heterophily. Personal characteristics such as extroversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness are associated with homophily, and heterophily in the two mapped networks. Conclusion: Differently from personality, the most congruent professionals do not interact according to homophily or heterophily in the work environment.

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