Conflito entre o agribusiness e a conservação do meio ambiente
International Journal of Development Research
Conflito entre o agribusiness e a conservação do meio ambiente
Received 18th January, 2021; Received in revised form 21st February, 2021; Accepted 04th March, 2021; Published online 13th April, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Karlla K. da Silvaa, Isabel L. Fontgallandb and Madson T. Silvab. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
MATOPIBA, known as the new frontier of soy expansion, is composed almost entirely of the Cerrado Biome, with this biome significantly reducing its forest area, for the expansion of agriculture. This article aims to outline an overview of the environmental impact caused by soy production in the Cerrado of the MATOPIBA region, assisting in studies and public policies for the inspection and conservation of this biome. Based on data from forest area mapping, soy production and agricultural production, made available by MapBiomas, an analysis of the use and occupation behavior of the land surface of the MATOPIBA region can be performed, where it was identified that soy production in the Cerrado it has expanded on a large scale in the last 20 years, with an increase of 126,851.9 km². However, there was a decline in the area of forest of approximately 11.1%, with the MATOPIBA region contributing to a loss of forest area equivalent to 78% of the entire Cerrado Biome. It can be concluded from the data and facts presented that it is necessary caution in the growth of the country's agricultural frontier, MATOPIBA, faces loss of forest area and great impact on the biodiversity in the Cerrado.