Concordance between gleason scores of the transrectal prostate biopsy and the surgical specimen in a reference hospital
International Journal of Development Research
Concordance between gleason scores of the transrectal prostate biopsy and the surgical specimen in a reference hospital
Received 07th May 2020; Received in revised form 15th June 2020; Accepted 20th July 2020; Published online 26th August 2020
Copyright © 2020, João Marcos Soares Miranda Cordeiro et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The main parameter for prognosis and treatment of prostate cancer is the Gleason score (GS), obtained by transrectal prostate biopsy, which will predict the degree of cell differentiation of the tumor. Often, GS before and after the surgery disagree, implicating in wrong choices of treatment, being more or less aggressive than the necessary, affecting the prognosis and life quality of the patient. Purpose: Compare GS of the transrectal prostate biopsyand surgical specimen after radicalprostatectomy. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional observational study, with retrospective analysis of medical records. Kappa test was used to assess the concordance of GS of biopsy and surgical specimen, considering a good K value above 0.5. Results: From the 86 selected medical records, GS at the time of biopsy was evaluated and compared with GS on the surgical specimen, resulting in 52.74% of concordance. In relation to the discordant results, there was 41.66% of sub gradation and 8.33% of super gradation. Conclusions: these resultsare in accordance with the global range of GS concordance, but falling below the ideal.Future studies evaluating other variables, the improvement of the biopsy technique and requests for slide review, may contribute to an increase in the degree of GS concordance.