Between confinement and remote classes: early childhood education in Brazil in Covid-19 times

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Between confinement and remote classes: early childhood education in Brazil in Covid-19 times

Ana Carolina Carius


From the unprecedented period of closing of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper focuses on the issue of Early Childhood Education in times of social distance. Therefore, this article has as its object of study the implementation of remote classes in Early Childhood Education, the pedagogical practices during the period of social distancing and its consequences for the target audience: children aged from zero to five years and eleven months. Under the clipping of an official document of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Deliberation No. 376 of the State Council of Education of the state, it was analyzed determinations that would be of possible implementation for children of kindergarten and the primordial role of families in the process of maintenance of these in school activities, plus Decree No. 090, of April 28, 2021 of the town of Petropolis, which described the return to face-to-face school activities in the town. In line with this analysis, a literature review was carried out, considering Brazilian articles with the theme “Child Education and the COVID-19 pandemic”, in which similar discussions were identified regarding the topic and its specificities. Through the chosen research methodology, it was possible to conclude that it is necessary to discuss the pedagogical practices involved in this period of pandemic for Early Childhood Education from the difficulties listed by families, teachers, and managers, in order to consolidate the contribution of all, to minimize the effects of children's lack of socialization.

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