Bacterial characterization of the oral cavity of the domestic cat population in the city of campo Grande, MS, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Bacterial characterization of the oral cavity of the domestic cat population in the city of campo Grande, MS, Brazil

Gabriel Utida Eguchi, Kallyna Flavia Monfort Da Silva, Nathalia Barbosa Messas, Cássia Rejane Brito Leal and Veronica Jorge Babo-Terra


Owing to the high incidence of domestic animal bites and resultant bacterial infections, this study aimed to identify the main bacteria isolated from the oral microbiota of 50 domestic cats. This is the first study to identify the genus Pseudomonas as the most frequently isolated agent, corresponding to 45% of the samples, followed among the gram-negative bacteria by Acinetobacterlwoffi (8.33%), Achromobacter group F (6.66%), CDC group IIj (5%), Moraxella spp.(3.33%), CDC Group IIF(3.33%), Burkholderia mallei (3.33%), Flavobacterium spp. (1.66%), Kingella spp. (1.66%), Escherichia coli(1.66%), Eikenellacorrodens(1.66%), Serratiarubiaceae (1.66%), andKlebsiella spp. (1.66%). The gram-positive bacteria isolated consisted of Bacillus spp. (6.66%), Streptococcus spp. (3.33%), Staphylococcus spp. (3.33%), and Micrococcus spp. (1.66%). This study demonstrates the diversity of the domestic feline oral cavity microbiota and discusses the variation of the generaidentified in studies carried out in different geographic regions.It is also of importance not only to veterinarians, but also to health care professionals involved in the medical treatment of humans with animal bite wounds.

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