Assessment of intervention needs for enhancing ginger production in some selected areas of Darjeeling District, West Bengal
International Journal of Development Research
Assessment of intervention needs for enhancing ginger production in some selected areas of Darjeeling District, West Bengal
The study was conducted during the year 2013 with a specific objective i.e., to study the selected agro-economic, socio-psychological and communicational variables for identifying the areas requiring necessary interventions for enhancing ginger production within the study area. For the assessment of facts, 100 ginger growers i.e. marginal and small farmers have been randomly selected form five gram panchayats of Pulbazar-Bijanbari block of Dist.-Darjeeling, West Bengal. Pearson’s correlation co-efficient have been used as a statistical tool for analysis of the data. The intervention needs have been taken as a dependent variable (Y1) to be correlated with 12 variables (X1 .....X12) grouped under three categories viz. Agro-economic (X1-X3), socio-psychological (X4-X10) and communicational (X11-X12) were the independent variables. The study revealed that an intervention need with respect to market orientation was positively and significantly correlated. For marginal farmers, the variables recorded positive relations with intervention needs (may not be significant at 1% and 5% level) are farm size, cropping intensity, family size, family type and economic motivation. The small farmers showed a negative co-relation regarding intervention needs in case of family size and family type. Both marginal and small farmers have recorded negative co-relation with intervention needs on the following areas. i.e. education, utilization of mass media. Economic motivation has also shown significant correlation with interventions needs at the field level. As the study is conducted to outline relevant lacunas in policy making, such investigations can be replicated on other crops to ensure better livelihood to the farmers through various crop production.