Asean integration: students' initial experience in a State Funded University

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Asean integration: students' initial experience in a State Funded University

Rosenda B. Borres and Rochel A. Ranes


This study aimed at identifying the different perceptions of the Jose Rizal Memorial State University System during the academic year 2016-2017. Specifically, it endeavored to find out the rating of the availability of the educational services in JRMSU vis-à-vis ASEAN Integration and their degree of agreement on the perceptions of the initial adaptation of ASEAN Integration. The descriptive survey, which is a descriptive method of research, was utilized in the study. The chosen respondents were given equal chance to contribute data in the study through random sampling. Results show that majority of the respondents rate the availability of educational services in JRMSU vis-à-vis ASEAN Integration available and it shows that they have positive response on the initial adaptation of ASEAN Integration. It also shows that there is a significant relationship between the availability of educational services in JRMSU vis-à-vis ASEAN Integration and the perceptions on the initial adaptation of ASEAN Integration, as rated and perceived by the respondents. The study reveals that the perceptions of the students on the initial adaptation of ASEAN Integration depend greatly on the availability of educational services in JRMSU vis-à-vis ASEAN Integration. To increase the degree of agreement of the respondents, there should have greater educational services in JRMSU that are available, in line with the blueprint of ASEAN Integration. In the end, the respondents believe that the initial adaptation of ASEAN Integration has a positive impact on education, particularly to their lives as students and future professionals. This implies further that the university is ready to adapt the ASEAN trend.

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