The age factor as a determining agent for mortality related to alzheimer's Disease in Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

The age factor as a determining agent for mortality related to alzheimer's Disease in Brazil

Leonnardo Altoé Miranda Lemos, Eduardo Franceschini and Ana Claudia Ilivinski Franceschini


Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects synapses, considered the main cause of dementia in the world. This article presents, through an integrative review, the age mortality discrepancy for both sexes due to the disease in Brazil. The study aims to determine possible explanations for this difference in mortality between ages. In this review, searches were used in: TABNET-DATASUS, IBGE, Medline and PubMed; having, as a research parameter, articles and data relevant to the subject. The results are intended to determine pathogenesis related to the age group for this disease, concluding that it is an adversity in the process of being understood by Science.

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