Action and Impact-Oriented research in management education for Innovation and sustainability: Bridging the gap between theory and practice

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Action and Impact-Oriented research in management education for Innovation and sustainability: Bridging the gap between theory and practice

Dr. A. Kalisdha


Management education faces the challenge of preparing future leaders to address the pressing issues of innovation and sustainability. Action-oriented research (AOR) has emerged as a powerful approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice in management education, enabling students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effect positive change in organizations and society. This paper explores the significance of AOR in management education, highlighting its potential to generate actionable insights and transform management practices. The paper draws upon a thorough review of literature, in-depth case studies, and expert interviews to provide a comprehensive understanding of AOR in this context. The findings reveal that AOR can enhance student engagement, motivation, and critical thinking skills; foster collaboration between academia and industry; develop students' problem-solving and innovation capabilities; and promote sustainable business practices and innovation within organizations. Recommendations for future research include conducting longitudinal studies, developing new AOR methodologies, exploring cross-disciplinary collaboration, and investigating the transferability of AOR practices. By embracing AOR, management educators can play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of business leaders equipped to address the complex challenges of our times and lead businesses towards a more sustainable future.

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